Heat Treaters and Alloy Heat Treating

Take care of your heat-treating needs by scheduling service at our shop. We have the tools, technology, and expertise to efficiently deliver durable parts for industrial purposes.

Our Heat Treating Capabilities

Our team of highly-skilled heat treaters is capable of controlling the quality of heat-treated products using several in-house quench and temper furnaces.

We can handle everything from bar stock to finished blank in minutes. We can also quench various products using water, oil, and polymer.

Heat Treating Capabilities

When you turn to Dyson, you will realize time and cost savings by tapping into our capabilities to heat-treat a wide range of finished parts in one location at our shop in Ohio.

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Typical Heat-Treated Products

  • Fasteners
  • Nuts
  • Structural Bolts
  • Forgings
  • Bar

Technical Specs

  • Heat-treat parts as large as 10,000 lbs. and up to 16’ long.
  • Satisfy MIL, ASTM, and SAE specifications for government and military projects
  • Compliant to AMS 2750D.

Industries We Serve